Thursday, February 10, 2011

"My Dream,My Future"

            It's high time to think seriously about my future.In my opinion, it is still very hard to say exactly what profession to choose. We may debate a lot about social importance and prestige of our future profession, but I think it must be close to our soul. It's really very important to take a right decision because sometimes people make great mistakes in choosing a profession , to my mind they are afraid to look silly in eyes of others or to disappoint their parents.that is why,many people have to suffer,refusing of their dream. I suppose, the main thing is to decide correctly, what you want to do in future or how you want your future to be and don't pay attention to what people say. I consider our life is in our hands and we must try our best to achieve all our goals. The only thing, i know exact what you want to do from your heart your profession depends on you otherwise your job will bring you no satisfaction.
             If you want to know my opinion. I've already decided when I went to be and hardly someone could influence me or hardly. I'll change my mind.I have been thinking about my future profession for ten years, and nobody hindered in me taking a decision.I'm lucky to my parents try to understand and to help me. I'm glad they have the same opinion. i say rather creative person. I'm captivated by art,music and learning languages but it's hard to find a profession, where these hobbies are joined.
             A dream is a wish that your hear it makes. I know everyone wants to succeed and be comfortable with their lives after starving and sacrificing for many years in studying. I'm one of them. I'm dreaming to become somebody in the rear future. Now a days in dreaming to become a pilot,pma or a lawyer somebody. I will keep my faith to God for I know he will guide me whatever I do and will never leave me where I go.
              Anyway who ever.I'll become I hope.I'll find a profession in which I could show my personality, but I also will never forget one proverb."No gain without pain".

"Change it starts with me"

            To have a better life, we have to maintain and change many things in our life. I have come to the realization that change can be the deepest of all subjects. I always assumed that change occured when you moved to a new town or when you lost someone close to you. Sometimes it the people we love would just accept the change and go with it, they would understand where the change was originally coming from.Especially people who are close to each other because they fell that this change is going to seperate them and make for them.After your opinion but help them go through whatever they need to go through because they will do what they need to do regardless of people that they really do love. I love to change myself for better. I have to improve myself for my own good. Change must start with me because I know that this will help me become more responsible citizen.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kannawidan Festival

            The Vigan Philippines festival aims to harness Ilocos Sur enrich historical values and products in order to attract and logical tourist and interest.
             We also have the oppurtunity to witness and enrich all the products here in Ilocos Sur, by celebrating the"kannawidan Festival" the government of Vigan used to collects all the beauties of Ilocos Sur by having the "SANIATA PAGEANT".They  also invites kapamilya artist to celebrate with all the Biguenos and all people who used to celebrate all the activities here in Vigan.Many tourist were coming,around the Vigan City to see the beautiful spots in Vigan. We watched the different fireworks at plaza lagon.Through this kannawidan Ylocos Festival ,an iluko term which means feast of all heritages practices and products inb Ilocos Sur. We will showcase and promote our old customs,traditions,culture and products.
              Once in our life,we went to watch sarsuela but where?Don't will be busy for you.Before this kannawidan festival Vigan City will celebrate their fiesta.Vigan?Remember the old houses of spanish and Chinese architecture, longganisa, kalesa, puki-puki, okay.That's it.Ohh,so you want experience the libot.You know,the Filipino tradition where we marched along the streets together with our patron.This will the opening

"Vigan Fiesta"

           We celebrated the fiesta of Vigan on January 16-30. We celebrates a lot of activities like longganisa festival.Every 25 Biguenos celebrated the fiest of saint Paul their patron.There are lots of activities and programs before and during the exact date of fiesta like the parades,procession,different competitions and many more activities.There is also the carnival where you can buy different kinds of clothes,gadgets and many more,and you can also ride the ferry's whell and many more.Wonderful City Fiesta!.This is special event here at Vigan City."BIGUENOS" are proud of it to celebrate this special occasion.Many tourist were coming around Vigan City, and they were amazed by the sceneries that Vigan  here while they are riding in caleza and that makes me proud to be a Bigueno.On this celebration Vigan Fiesta was done successfull because there are many tourist came here in Vigan and watch the different spots here in Vigan.
            There are many activities done on this celebration.But,before you packed your things to leave in Vigan held for a while...Why don't you stay a little bit,and wait for the Kannawidan fiesta of Ilocos Sur.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Let's Begin the 2011

                     Let the old things of 2010,stay in 2010 and start of your 2011 with a new fresh start! Set your standards high and make a list of  things to do in 2011. It's suggested that when you list things down and mark them of one by one, you get more accomplished 2011 is going to be a year  of greatness make it one to remember in 2010 is already past and we are now  already in 2011.A new year tends to be celebrated  with New Year's resolution.We have all made a New Year's resolution at one point of another .Regardless
of you past commitment to you relationship with God,It's New Year and God can transform to you.
                     This year 2011 I want to change my bad attitudes because this will make me down into my life

Monday, December 13, 2010

Essence Of Christmas

       We celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ every 25th day of December. We are all excited because this is the day of sharing, giving, and loving to one another. Some people are busy this coming Christmas because they are preparing to decorate their houses. Some peoples are buying their Christmas light,lantern,Christmas trees to decorate their house. They also go from house to house to carol.
      What is really the essence of Christmas? for me Christmas is sharing to other's you have and loving each other. We celebrate Christmas and attending to "SIMBANG GABI" not because of enjoyment and wishing after you completed the "MISA DE GALLO" after the mass the people are going home so,that they will eat together for their "NOUCHE BUENA". Loving sharing and giving are the most important when Christmas not only for this occasion but also everyday. If you do not have Christ in your life then you be celebrating Christmas without the presence of the celebrant in your life.